Monday, June 29, 2009

The first time I gave a lecture!

Experience 1 by Kevin: The first time I gave a lecture! (June 17, 2009)


The juniors had just joined XLRI on June 13, 2009. I was called to give an induction session on my summer internship at Coca-Cola India and on the basics of marketing and branding.

Prior Expectations

In this experience, I am the service provider and the juniors were my customers. I expected to deliver a crisp 45-minute session on my summer internship (developing an engagement programme for Brand Fanta). However, in the end, the session turned out to be more than 2 hours long! The experience, analysis and service quality ratings are based on the feedback I received from juniors and seniors alike.

Actual Experience

I began with some basic fundamentals of what marketing and brands are – and tried to make my session interactive. I proceeded onto the specifics of the project and ended up by describing my overall experience at Coke. The ‘Audience Effect’ was experienced by me: due to the lateness of the hour, some juniors at the back fell asleep, which ruined some of the atmosphere. I was later told I fielded far too many questions which killed the interest of some. I should have factored in customer effort variability and taken a moderate number of questions.


I was found to be customer-friendly and I think that was a desirable point. I tried to be as brief in answering since the same questions kept popping up. Finally, I can honestly say as a lecturer, it is sometimes hard to keep track of time. I spent 50 minutes on my first 4 slides, so you could say the initial efficiency of my service was poor!


SERVQUAL ratings


Rating (out of 5)




Late hours, laptop went off once during session



My information was reliable



I was not able to take all doubts due to scarcity of time



I was confident and assured while speaking



I tried to understand the doubts of the juniors before answering them

N.B.: (1 = very poor, 5 = very good)

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